Thursday, July 5, 2007

जिन्दगी का सफ़र

तन्हायिओं में बैठे बैठे यूं ही ख़्याल आ गया,
मेरे आगे मेरी जिन्दगी का फिर वही सवाल आ गया।।

जिन्दगी की सारी जग्दोजहत किसके लिए है?
दिन दिन भर की वो भारी कसरत किसके लिए है?

एक ना एक दिन तो फना हो ही जाना है।
इस भीड़ भाड़ से निकलकर तनहा हो ही जाना है।।

पर इस बारे में सोच कर, क्या अभी से जीना छोड़ दें?
जितने रिश्ते नाते हैं, क्या उन्हें मृत्यु से पहले ही तोड़ दें?

इसका उत्तर स्वयम कृष्ण ने गीता में दिया है।
मनुष्य की इस दुविधा का भी हल किया है।।

मृत्यु सत्य है, अटल है, कभी ना कभी तो आनी है।
परंतु उससे पहले जीने के लिए यह ज़िन्दगानी है।।

जिन्दगी में कर्म करो, फल की चिन्ता छोड़ दो।
साथ ही अपना ध्यान इश्वर की ओर मोड़ दो।।

इस संसार में ऐसे रहो, जैसे कीचड में कमल का फूल रहे।
मन से तुम्हारे राग, द्वेष, कलेश, कोसों दूर रहें॥

स्वयम खुश रहो और चहुँ ओर खुशियाँ बाटों।
संसार के मुख से गरीबी और हिंसा के पेड़ काटो॥

ऐसा कुछ करो जिससे सबके जीवन में उजाला हो।
इस धरा का रंग फिर से हरियाला हो॥

हाँ यह सच है की एक ना एक दिन मृत्यु आनी है।
परंतु उससे पहले जीने के लिए एक सुन्दर ज़िन्दगानी है॥

Friday, June 1, 2007


These days I am in between jobs and am trying hard to keep myself busy. There are still a good couple of weeks left for my new job to start and I am finding it hard to pass my time at home. So, I thought why not create a blog and post my thoughts on there. At least I can do something constructive like this!!! So here comes my first post for my newly created blog...

My blog's URL has the word homosapiens in there as I wanted it to relate to all the feelings that we human beings undergo during our lives. So let me start with what I have been feeling in the past couple of weeks.

I came back to India nearly a month and a half ago, after spending around 3 years abroad. When I took this decision, I was quite excited and eager to come back but as the D-day approached, my exuberance started fading away. However, I did come back...

After socializing for the first few weeks, I started looking for a job and luckily enough cracked it in my very first interview. It is a decent job with a half decent salary and I do not have any qualms about it. The only downside was that the joining date was a month and a half away from my first interview and in all this while I had absolutely nothing to do. So I couldn't help but ponder upon my decision to come back.....

I was happy in UK. Had a cool 9-5 job and my office was at a stone's throw from my home. I lived with my brother and sister-in-law who really cared about me. I had 2 really cute kids at home to play with and a nice bunch of friends, who although did not meet me frequently, were always a phone call away. Then why on earth did I move back???
Maybe because the grass is always greener on the other side or was it because of something else??? Let me find this out for my sake.
I never really wanted to go out of my country in first place but had to do so due to some unavoidable circumstances. Since younger years, I was a kind of patriotic person who wanted to do something for my country. I even wanted to enter politics but could not gather enough courage to do so partly because of my middle class background, with more emphasis on studies and partly because I was scared to enter that filthy world. Anyway, I thought that there might be other ways of serving my country and so I continued to work hard.
After completing my post grad abroad, I worked there for a couple of years and then finally came back only to find that I am not liking the political, economic and social systems here. I am not liking the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. I am not liking dirty politics. I am not liking the quota system and I am not liking religion wars. Virtually, I am not liking anything about this country!!!

Has all this happened in just the 3 years I was away for? Was this not rampant when I was here? Of course it was. The only difference now is that maybe I have decided not to like it. Maybe I am so frustrated of sitting at home that I have decided o vent my frustration by blaming everything around me. And maybe because somewhere deep inside, I am not happy with my decision of coming back.

I still am unaware of the real cause of my behaviour change towards my motherland, which once I was really proud of. It can be that the things have really gone from bad to worse or it is just that after seeing a country which is better than ours in most aspects, I have a desire of spending my life there.
I do not know what the real cause is and if it is the latter, I am not sure if anything is wrong with that. At this stage I don't even know whether I would ever cross the boundaries of this country again (for settling abroad) but most certainly, right now I am feeling like a criminal for even just thinking about leaving my own land...